This text
in Greek
The “Pedia” mailing list has
been created to form the main way of communication between teachers as well as anyone
interested in Greek Education in Greece or abroad.
From this list one can get information about
“Pedia” news but also exchange ideas, knowledge and opinions on educational problems
and the teaching process.
The list is open to anyone who has e-mail access.
The “Pedia” group is not responsible for
anything posted in the list and retains the right to prevent sending e-mail advertising
messages or messages irrelevant to the subjects that interest people involved in the
educational process. (teachers, students, parents etc.)
The list is served by the listproc at
To subscribe to the “Pedia”
list send mail to the above address with no subject and message:
subscribe pedia
The listproc will reply soon confirming your
subscription and giving you instructions on using the available commands.
At this point in order to send a message to the
eexi list you have to address it to