www.glenlake.k12.mi.us *the elementary school-Mrs.
Ruman e-mail: rumanm@glenlake.k12.mi.us

Hello ! We are a team of techers from a school in the middle of
Sweden. We are starting a project about alphabets in different languages. Our students are
in ages 5-11.
If you are interested or now someone who is please
contact me at: tarja.nevalainen@swipnet.se or ss.sodra@filipstad.se
Thank you ! Many greetings from Sweden

We are looking for e-mail pen pals .We are pebblewood@aol.com We
are a fifth grade class in Sacramento,California. We have three questions to ask you. 1.
Is there a Taco Bell near your school? 2. Do you like Michael Jordan? 3. Do you have to go
to school on Saturday? thank you

My name is Penny Doten and I teach fourth grade in Yuma, Arizona
in the United States. My class is currently studying about Greece and we found your
Educational Web Server on the Internet.
I am interested in having my students be pen pals
through the Internet with students from Greece. The ages of my students are between 9-11.
I got the impression from your web site that your students might be a couple of years
older. Do you think they might be interested in communicating with my students? Would you
consider doing this with my class?
Please let me know your answer soon, as my
students are excited to find out as much as they can about your country. Thank you in

Hi:))) We are second graders (age 7 & 8) at Lebanon
Elementary School in the United States. We are making a hat "dictionary" that
will include different hats from all over the world. We need your help. We are asking
classes to send us (by snail-mail) a picture of a hat that represents their country,
region or culture, and a brief description about the hat. We are just starting to use the
Internet and we thought this would be a great way to find hats from different places. If
you are willing to send us a picture of a hat (a photograph of a student wearing the hat
would be great, but any picture or even a postcard is good), please email us a message at
liblmsl@neca.com. Our teacher's name is Lisa Gamache. We hope you can help! We're looking
forward to learning about many different places.
Miss Gamache's class Lebanon Elementary School
Exeter Road Lebanon, CT 06249 USA

Our school is on a small coral island in the Torres Straits
between the Australian mainland and Papua New Guinea. We have a small air strip and a
barge from the mainland once a week and now we have the Internet and we’d love to keypal
with some of your students. We have 59 students (Grades 1 to 7) and 4 teachers. Hope to
hear from you Regards
Email adress:(( yorkeiss@c130.aone.net.au ))

We are currently doing a multi cultural study at school. My class
is representing Greece. Can you help us?
Email adress:(( Charlott@ix.netcom.com ))