The first stage of Greek Education
(Primary Education) receives children from 5-12 years of age.
This includes Primary school and Kindergarten.

Primary school
The aim of the Primary school
is the main-sided mental and physical development of the students within the framework set
by the wider aim of Primary and Secondary education
1) In particular, Primary school helps
a)To widen and rearrange the relations
between their creative activity and the things, situations and phenomena they study.
b)To build up the mechanisms that
contribute to the assimilation of knowledge, to improve their physical and mental health
and cultivate their moving abilities.
c)To acquire the content of the most
important notions and gradually have the ability to move from the data of the senses to
the region of the abstract thought.
d)To acquire the ability to use oral and
written speech correctly.
e)To familiarize themselves slowly with
moral, humanitarian and other values organize them to a system.
f)To cultivate their aesthetic criterion so
as to be able to appreciate works of art and express themselves accordingly through their
own artistic creations.
2) Primary school Education lasts six years and
includes classes A, B, C, D, E, and F.
Children who have completed the age of 5 years and six months on the 1st of
October of the year of the enrollment may attend Class A.
Age is proved by a birth certificate.
3) Students who leave school
receive a certificate of studies which is used for the enrollment in Secondary
School. The type of this certificate is determined by decision of the Minister of
4) Primary schools,
depending on the school capacity, can have up to 12 positions for teachers.
5) For once,
it is possible to have 7 up to 11 positions in schools, when the number of students, the
classrooms available and the distance between schools require so.
6) School capacity depends
on the ratio of 25 students to one teacher for one or two teacher schools and 30 students
to one teacher for the rest.
7) A common decision by
the Minister of Education and the Minister Finance may reduce the number of
students to each permanent.
8) The establishment and
improvement of primary schools and the proportional increase of their capacity is
arranged by a Presidential Decree issued on the motion of the Ministers of Education and
9) In some cases, where special
local circumstances call for it, it is possible to establish a one-teacher school
regardless of the number of students Who are going to attend it.

From this page we will also try
to give answers to teachers, students and all the people interested in the following
1) What kind of
people work in Primary Schools.
2) What kind of work
they do.
3) Which children
go to a Green Primary School.
4) Which lessons
are taught.
5) Some thoughts
for a better Primary Education.

The English
language in the Greek Primary School

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These lessons are from Angelos Kanlis
((Graduate student in Electrical Engineering at the University of Maryland.))