Hara Dimitrakopoulou Steven Aivazidi
Literature Teacher Pupil Class A’1
3rd Lyceum Koridallos Gymnasium: Neo Phaliro
General Aims:
The purpose of secondary education is to contribute to a complete and harmoniously
balanced development of the mental and physiological strengths of pupils, so, independent
of sex and background, they become whole individuals who can live creatively.
Secondary education offers two cycles. The first cycle is covered by the Gymnasium and
the second by the general, classical, theological or technical careers and polytechnic
The Lyceum aims at competing the purpose of education. It especially helps pupils:
To understand deeper social reality. Make the correct choices regarding further studies
and to become established professionally. To shape their characters and personalities so
they’re able to integrate harmoniously and contribute to the financial, social, and
cultural development of their country.
To make aware the deeper meaning of Christian Orthodox morals and firm dedication to
all human values. To understand the significance and democratic dialogue and the
participation in common activities.
c) To acquire a deeper and more meaningful knowledge and self-awareness in order to
cope with judgement and creative spirit of life, the sciences, the Arts and the Greek and
world wide civilizations.
To develop an inquiring attitude, by studying and have deeper knowledge of historical
events (Greek or global) and to know the history of the arts and sciences.
To enrich knowledge and language skills by developing aesthetic criteria and the
quality of their artistic expression.
The master kinetic abilities and tendencies within defined athletic activities.
The Lyceum schools work as:
Classical Studies
Technical and professions
While recently schools for music and athletic studies are being founded in certain
towns. The Lyceum schools have classes during the daytime and the evening
The general purpose of the Gymnasium is to promote within the spirit of the broader
aims of education a complete development of pupils in relation to the abilities of that
age and the relevant demands of life.
Special aims of the Gymnasium: More specifically the Gymnasium helps the pupils:
To broaden their sense of values (moral, religious, ethnic, human and other values) in
o order to adjust their behavior accordingly. To control and direct their personal
feelings to creative targets and humanitarian action.
To complete and combine their state of knowledge with relevant social issues in order
to cope successfully with different situations. To search for solutions to problems in
life with a responsible attitude, within the climate of creative dialogue and combined
To cultivate their linguistic ability so as to convey their thoughts verbally and in
written expression clearly and accurately.
To develop their bodies normally for an improved function of the physical being
(organism) and to cultivate kinetic tendencies and abilities.
To recognize the different art forms and shape their aesthetic judgement.
To realise their abilities and tendencies, skills and interests. To acquire knowledge
of different professions and aim at their further improvement within a framework of
social, cultural and economic life in order to develop harmoniously as people and future
workers understanding the equal contribution of mental and manual labour in social
progress and development.
The gymnasium studies are three years and comprise three classes A, b, C. In the first
class graduates of the primary school and enrolled without examinations. The pupils who
complete the three years receive a certificate of completion.
Types of gymnasium: The gymnasium is divided into morning and evening. The evening
classes being for working pupils provided they have completed their 14th year.
The general gymnasium is for all classes. Recently sports and music studies have been
introduced in gymnasium in certain towns.
The pupils of each class or section must not exceed 30 in number. Classes with more
than 30 are strained.
Repatriation Guide
Goals, means, intentions.
People who work there.
Description of the teachers who staff the Secondary education.
Teachers of all specialties
( Literature masters, maths masters, physicists, theologians, gym masters, foreign
language teachers, music teachers, etc.)
Thoughts and suggestions for better Secondary education. The teacher’s voice
(Discussions, ideas, suggestions etc.)
a) Gymnasium.
Goals, means, intentions
Description of a common Gymnasium.
Building, Classrooms, etc.
What kind of children attend Gymnasium.
Greek subjects after leaving Primary School.
Subjects taught.
Description of the curriculum according to class, as well as the way of teaching each
Teaching aids
Teaching gymnastics
Teaching foreign languages
Teaching music.
Secondary lessons
(Teaching children how to go about in the streets, making educational visits etc.)
b) Lyceum.
Goals, means, intentions
Description of a common Lyceum.
Building, Classrooms, etc.
Lyceum types (General, Technical, Naval, etc.)
What kind of children attend Lyceum.
Greek subjects after leaving Gymnasium.
Subjects taught.
Description of the curriculum according to class, as well as the way of teaching each
Teaching aids
Teaching gymnastics
Teaching foreign languages
Teaching music.
Secondary lessons (Teaching children how to go about in the streets, making educational